Relax and breathe! Surgically Clean Air dental office in Brampton, ON is safe, healthy, and will see you now
The best physical and cybersecurity systems are multi-layered. They do not depend on just one mechanism to protect residential or business assets. The concept behind our high-tech approach to protecting the health and safety of our patients and staff works in much the same way. And, now more than ever, patients need and deserve reassurance that every safeguard has been taken to protect their personal health and the health of their families.
As a Surgically Clean Air dental office in Brampton, ON, Brampton Dental Arts, has invested in a system that uses multi-layered technologies to remove all of the baddies that are released into our surroundings over the course of dental treatment. The longer the procedure, the greater the volume of bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are generated and expelled as aerosols.
Dental offices like ours have historically been held to the highest standards.
There has never been a public health environment in recent memory that illustrates the importance of confirming your care provider is “putting his money where his mouth is” — taking the actions and making the investments that are required to minimise threats to you and your family’s health and well-being.
Make your family part of the Brampton Dental Arts team of happy smiles Call Us Today : (905) 791-8768 to schedule an appointment.
Along with his team, Dr. Azeem Sheikh has embarked on safety efforts that are more than just nice things to say or to put on a poster. He has partnered with Surgically Clean Air (SCA), a “Proudly Canadian Company,” to bring you a sophisticated, multi-stage, medical-grade air purification system. We encourage you to sink into the levels of safety that have been built into this technology. So, you and your family benefit from and have peace of mind that you are breathing in the healthiest, cleanest air:
- HEPA-Rx filters – This specialized filter is designed to remove 99.998% of those particles that are .1 microns in size, which is about the size of your “average” virus.
- Activated carbon – These proprietary inserts remove chemicals, including VOCs such as formaldehyde.
- High-intensity wavelength ultraviolet light – What is left behind after these processes, is drawn into a UV chamber and exposed to a high-intensity light that further degrades lingering chemicals and penetrates the membranes of bacteria.
- Titanium dioxide – Any remaining aerosols and gases that squeeze through are further subjected to a perforated titanium-coated surface, a reaction that oxidises VOCs, disrupts bacterial membranes and inactivates viruses.
Protecting you and yours from COVID-19

With the SCA system, you can also be confident that the air you breathe at Brampton Dental Arts is free of novel coronavirus, the newly-identified virus that causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In fact, the company behind these units markets them as “like hand sanitizer for your indoor air.” A combination of advanced aerosol remediation and air purification allows our patients to relax and breathe freely, knowing that particles in the environment or generated during treatment are filtered, and destroy the viruses that cause sickness, including COVID-19.
In addition to clearing the air, this system re-energises it!
Do you know that lull that eventually strikes following lunch or that inevitable fatigue as the day wears on? As a “well” office supported by Surgically Clean Air, Brampton Dental Arts promotes a more productive and vibrant environment and experience. The system’s built-in features include a generator that charges the purified air with negative ions, boosting the flow of oxygen to the brain. It is a difference you can feel; mental acuity and alertness are elevated, alongside your levels of energy. Other systems “energise” by moving large volumes of air through filtration, which also generates lots of noise. Our system minimises negative features like noise, further heightening your comfort to assure you have a positive experience. If ever there was a time where we could all use a cognitive and mood boost, it would be now!
When combined with a series of office reopening procedures that you can read about on this website (feel free to ask about them, too!), Surgically Clean Air technologies provide a powerful way to keep your family safe during your next visit to Brampton Dental Arts. Call (905) 791-8768 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Sheikh at the Brampton, ON office.
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